At East Ardsley Primary Academy, we believe a high quality history curriculum should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our teaching equips pupils with knowledge:
- about the history of Britain and how it has influenced and been influenced by the wider world;
- and understanding about significant aspects of the history of the wider world like ancient civilisations and empires;
- of changes in living memory and beyond living memory;
- through learning about the lives of significant people of the past;
- and understanding the methods of historical enquiry and be able to ask and answer questions.
We want children to enjoy and love learning about history by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits. Topics are informed by the national curriculum and are sensitive to children’s interests. The history curriculum at East Ardsley Primary Academy is carefully planned and structured to ensure that current learning is linked to previous learning and that the school’s approaches are informed by current pedagogy.
In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in history, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school as well as one that excites and engages our young learners. History is taught as part of half-termly topics, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. By the end of year 6, children have gained a chronological understanding of British history from the Stone Age to the present day. They can draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods and their own lives. Interlinked with this are studies of world history, such as the ancient civilisations of Greece and Egypt.
Cross curricular outcomes in history are specifically planned for, with strong links between the history curriculum and English lessons enabling further contextual learning. Consideration is given to how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. The teachers consider each individual learning style and learning needs in order to fully engage each pupil with their learning.
The Early Years Foundation Stage follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children to have an ‘Understanding of the World; people and communities, the world and technology’ by the end of the foundation stage.
Outcomes in everything books, evidence a broad and balanced history curriculum and demonstrate the children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge. The Children are equipped with historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. Emphasis is placed on analytical thinking and questioning which helps pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want the children to have thoroughly enjoyed learning about history, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences now and in the future.